Following the international Boundless Congress, The General has issued a challenge to the entire Salvation Army world to be mobilized in mission. Beginning January 1, 2017, The Whole World Mobilizing: Go Forward, is a campaign that enlists every Salvationist around the globe to go forward in mission.
To help get this campaign started in your community and to rally local Salvationists to the cause, it may be beneficial to dedicate one Sunday in January to the theme of The Whole World Mobilizing: Go Forward. To aid you in your worship planning, please download and share the Whole World Mobilizing Resource Kit provided here in both English and Spanish.
Get ready in 2017 to mobilize your territory, your command, your division, your ARC, your corps, your family, and yourself, for this historic worldwide campaign. Go forward with Jesus, and turn the world upside down!
You can also view and download the videos in our Vimeo page.