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Valentine Resource Package

Valentine’s Day is a very popular holiday in the United States. Although it has its origins in the liturgical church as a religious feast day, today it is largely a secular occasion dedicated to the celebration of romantic love. We know there’s a superficiality to Valentine’s Day. We see this in the Valentine-themed products and images that line the shelves of our favorite stores: red hearts, chocolate, greeting cards, and flying cupids. The day after Valentine’s those overpriced chocolates go on sale for 75% off. Our tokens of love wrapped up in pretty packaging are often cheap and discounted. But true love is not cheap.

The love that Jesus Christ demonstrated for us on the Cross of Calvary was extremely costly, yet it was offered to us as a gift free of charge. Love was the driving force behind Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry: “For God so loved the world!” John the Evangelist wrote in wonder at his Master’s love. The love God has for us impacts the way we show love to one another.

Our Valentine’s Sunday Resource Package attempts to use the silly and fun themes of Valentine’s Day to reveal an even greater kind of love – God’s love for us. This divine love compels us to go forward and being people into the kingdom of God. It is truly the greatest love story ever told.

  English Program                 Espanõl Programa

Resource Package Outline                                        Sugerencias Musicales 

Call to Worship                                                     Las Escrituras y la Tradición 

Music Suggestions                                                             Sermón 

Scripture and Tradition                                             Bosquejo Del Programa 




Logo and Graphics

To help present your Valentine’s Sunday worship, we have designed a program cover, document headers, and title slides. Click your preferred language to download the complete graphic package.




The video on the top banner, I Met a Girl, was written by Rael James Mason and was illustrated by Skyela Bussey. For additional videos that may compliment your Sunday meeting, please click here for free resources developed by Salvation Factory.

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